well-trained and empathic. Someone who has the ability to make clients feel heard and empowered. … [Read more...]
Family Therapy
I help family members develop insight into recurring patterns and to recognize the negative cycle … [Read more...]
Financial Psychology
I will work with you to become more comfortable with the topic, develop a language for it, and … [Read more...]
Research has shown…
that psychotherapy results in fewer relapses of common conditions, such as moderate depression and … [Read more...]
Becoming Your Best Self!
I am actively involved in helping you clarify your goals and find unique solutions to your issues. … [Read more...]
Money Talks Workshop: Helping Your Patients Get In Touch With Their Feelings About Money Matters
TBA Money, fees and the economy have a strong effect on everyday life. It is still an intensely … [Read more...]
Sad but true, we can Inherit Stress
This is a fascinating article indicating that stress in one generation can be transmitted to the … [Read more...]
The All-or-Nothing Marriage
How to make your marriage better. Spouses who spent “time alone with each other, talking, or … [Read more...]
Cuomo restores $4.5 million to New York food assistance program
ALBANY — In advance of Thanksgiving, Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced that the state will restore some of … [Read more...]
Tumor Paint: Changing the way surgeons fight cancer
(CNN) -- The audience at Pop! Tech's annual conference rose to its feet as Dr. Jim Olson wrapped up … [Read more...]