The Material Diet is catching on in New York. A significant number of people, both male and female, have decided to shop less this year. It is an interesting trend and a fashionable New Year’s Resolution.
Some people fall into the consumerism trap in which they buy more, feel good for the moment and then want more.
Also called ‘retail therapy’ this cycle makes people happy briefly and then whatever was bothering them surfaces again. They distract themselves from the feeling with shopping and can get caught up in the cycle. Some people have gone into debt doing this.
This is a very interesting trend from a mental health point of view. Pausing before you go shopping (or overeat or overdrink) gives you a moment to feel your feelings and try to figure out what you actually need. Do you truly need another sweater, car, CD, or do you really need to feel connected to a friend? Figuring out what the urge is about is the important and difficult part of the process and leads to real change.
The book, “The Year of Less: How I Stopped Shopping, Gave Away My Belongings, and Discovered Life Is Worth More Than Anything You Can Buy in a Store” by Cait Flanders, speaks to this trend.
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